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Essence of TMAers
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6262 posts

Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 22:02
Bladup's thread about first visits has made me ponder on the way different sites (and types of site) affect different TMAers personally. Some like big stones, others chambers, some hilltops, others wooded glades.

So, if you had to pick one single site (that's ONE only) that most accurately distilled your own personal "essence of TMA", which one would it be? I'm not after "best" sites, or even necessarily ones you'd recommend to anyone else to visit. More the one that most hits your own personal buttons.
2578 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 22:07
Mill Of Kelly.
6262 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 22:11
Just read your notes. Can see why you picked this one!
3615 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 22:30
Its hard to pick just one site but to distil the 'essence of TMers' I'm going to pick
Kilmackowen wedge tomb because it just, forgive the cliche, blew me away. A large standing stone and a stone row led the way uphill to this small wedge tomb on a hillside overlooking the sea on the Beara Peninsula in West Cork. I understand that these wedge tombs were thought to be positioned to face the setting sun as a link to the (possible) belief in the after-life.

I scrutinised Julian Cope's fairly short but inspired section on Ireland in his Megalithic European before I went - and in fact took it with me. Kilmackowen is not in there - found instead by looking at OS maps and turned out to be such a surprise. I do believe there were some cup marks on the inside of one of the support stones (but I'm no expert).
6262 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 22:36
That's a fantastic looking place and hardly known by the looks of it (deserves to be better known, from your notes). Big stone, cracking tomb, stunning hills and near the sea, what's not to like? Great stuff June.
2578 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 22:41
That is an affa bonny place, excellent Tjj!
1986 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 22:48
drewbhoy wrote:
That is an affa bonny place, excellent Tjj!

I love ending up at places you didn't plan to go, it's probably what it's all about really, as they always stay so strongly in the mind.
Evergreen Dazed
1881 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 22:56
Fernworthy for me.
891 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 22:57
Evergreen Dazed wrote:
Fernworthy for me.

That's a special place, my thoughts in sound on that one we're captured a few years ago http://texlahoma.bandcamp.com/album/fernwothy
6262 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 23:03
That's another great one. For Dartmoor it looks very secluded and intimate. High on the list of places I'd like to get to.
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