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1986 posts

Edited Sep 28, 2012, 14:49
Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 28, 2012, 14:40
CARL wrote:
When it comes to food and drink - move away from Stornoway and you can't get much of anything - good or bad!
Same goes for Uist and Harris!

When you've got a camper with a fridge full of food and cupboards full of booze and tubs full of smoke you don't need to go anywhere [ for food and drink ] though, i'm a happy bunny in a van because we don't have to deal with anybody, i've been up the scotland loads and hardly ever talked to anyone, which is good as i just seem to argue with scots anyway, on a ferry once during a world cup one scot admitted to me though that when scotland don't make it [ do they ever? ] he supports england instead and told me that he knows lots of other scots that secretly do as well, so it's seems they love us english really, it's just that they've got a funny way of showing it, just watch them prove it by voting to stay with us in the union, as they'll be to scarred to break the nappy strings just yet, just wait and see.
2578 posts

Edited Sep 28, 2012, 15:01
Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 28, 2012, 14:59
You put that reply up as joke I hope, and as for nappy strings, that is quite insulting to the vast majority of Scots who just want a multi cultural and multi ethnic society. If independence is a fast route to such a place, bring it on.
1986 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 28, 2012, 15:10
[quote="drewbhoy"]You put that reply up as joke I hope, and as for nappy strings, that is quite insulting to the vast majority of Scots who just want a multi cultural and multi ethnic society. If independence is a fast route to such a place, bring it on.[/quot , It's alright for scots to joke about the english but not the other way round is it?, how very scottish of you, "You put that reply up as joke I hope" what else could it be?, yet another scottish thing - are you trying to start a fight? if you are the fact i'm one end of the country and you're at the other may be a bit of a problem in that, but saying that i'd probably be like that if i had to live with them other horrible little creatures! [midges].
2578 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 28, 2012, 15:12
No, I don't believe in fighting :-(
1986 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 28, 2012, 15:18
drewbhoy wrote:
No, I don't believe in fighting :-(

I'm only joking and playing around with sterotypes, i think everyone can see what a special man you are, you are aberdeenshire itself to me, and i can't give you a bigger compliment than that! You are the hero of aberdeenshire [and it's neighbouring counties] to me.
4033 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 28, 2012, 22:38
I'm going to be all awkward and say Cartington Hill not just as it's the last one I visited and posted to TMA, but because it's the first one where I managed to upload the image to TMA from the site as I was visiting, which seems to embody some strange sense of ancient/modern juxtaposition that I quite like, with added communication and obscurity. TMA is about sharing info, so notes/photos of the out of the way places that no-one has heard of are just as useful as the big 'Hollywood' sites that get in all the books.
2578 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 29, 2012, 01:32
bladup wrote:
drewbhoy wrote:
No, I don't believe in fighting :-(

I'm only joking and playing around with sterotypes, i think everyone can see what a special man you are, you are aberdeenshire itself to me, and i can't give you a bigger compliment than that! You are the hero of aberdeenshire [and it's neighbouring counties] to me.

That is very kind, thank you :-)
The Eternal
926 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 30, 2012, 00:01
Hi sweetcheat,

Good question, and you spoilt my day by asking it. What to choose? Sort of question that keeps me awake at night. I'm feeling guilty leaving this and that out, but there's only one I can choose.

I thought long and hard, and so many places in Wiltshire come to my mind - the Normanton Down Barrows, the Cursus, Adam's Grave, so many sites around Avebury, especially Windmill Hill, and loads of other obscure places around there, such as solitary barrows.

Then I think about my favourite place in all the World - Cumbria. The Great Langdale stone axe sites spring immediately to mind, but they don't hold all the qualities I'm looking for. They have the greatest, most awe-inspiring scenery, but that's not what it's about to me.

So, I select the Burnmoor circles as my choice. They have a setting, and a loneliness, that reeks of the past. Their appearance, not to mention the sense that nothing can ever be fathomed from their hoary old stones, gives an enigmatic feel. There is a sense of belief in the place, in that the outlook makes sense. A ring of mountains, with the circles set on a slight southern downslope of a ridge. In a strange way you seem to understand the setting, almost as if it is the place you would've chosen.

964 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 30, 2012, 23:22
The Eternal wrote:
So, I select the Burnmoor circles as my choice. They have a setting, and a loneliness, that reeks of the past. Their appearance, not to mention the sense that nothing can ever be fathomed from their hoary old stones, gives an enigmatic feel. There is a sense of belief in the place, in that the outlook makes sense. A ring of mountains, with the circles set on a slight southern downslope of a ridge. In a strange way you seem to understand the setting, almost as if it is the place you would've chosen.


Yeah, I could have gone for Burnmoor TE..... guess my notes make clear how much the sites affected me. However I reckon you'd love the Crugian Bach 'circle - that I chose - too. Mid Wales get the vote for me cos it would appear hardly anybody ventures there. Just look at the paucity of posts we have for such an overwhelmingly important area as Pumlumon?
6262 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Oct 08, 2012, 21:05
Great choice and even better reason for choice, nice one Hob.
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