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Essence of TMAers
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Evergreen Dazed
1881 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 23:15
texlahoma wrote:
Evergreen Dazed wrote:
Fernworthy for me.

That's a special place, my thoughts in sound on that one we're captured a few years ago http://texlahoma.bandcamp.com/album/fernwothy

Ah yes, I listened to that a while ago and thought it was fantastic.

I'm actually just starting a new project, first stuff in years, got 4/5 things written and I had it in mind to contact you.
I spend far too long dreaming of artwork and titles, and progress is slow fitting in around real life.

Eno/Fripp - Evening star, Deebank, J Blackshaws more meandering stuff wouldn't be too far from the mark in general for the stuff I'm writing.

Maybe I could send you some stuff when its complete?
Evergreen Dazed
1881 posts

Edited Sep 21, 2012, 23:23
Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 23:20
thesweetcheat wrote:
That's another great one. For Dartmoor it looks very secluded and intimate. High on the list of places I'd like to get to.

I fell in love with it from photos before I went and being there was really very special indeed.
I can't say why but the trees felt right, even though I know there were most probably none around at the time it was built.

Hard to describe these sorts of feelings, but its definitely the place for me.
Assycombe, not far away, comes a very close second.
1986 posts

Edited Sep 22, 2012, 00:03
Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 23:25
thesweetcheat wrote:
That's another great one. For Dartmoor it looks very secluded and intimate. High on the list of places I'd like to get to.

I've got a 2 strange tales from there [fernworthy] but both connected, on my first trip there [no not like that] it was really thick fog and i couldn't see more than a few feet ahead, i was very lost and shitting myself, when all of a sudden a really thick bit of fog started spinning in front of me then shot off either side of me, i expected a wizard or something in front of me [ there wasn't ] , and look i don't mind if you think i'm mad but a jay appeared and said in my head "i'll show you the way to the circle" and it did, i'd never have found it without that bird [ i do love birds, always have, i was lost on dartmoor once and followed baaaing sheep back to safety as well, animals are brilliant, please don't eat them!!! ], right a few years later [ i had been back one afternoon inbetween ] me and a friend were in a tent quite near the circle and something made me look out of the tent, i could see a line of thick fog [it was totally clear] moving down the treeline towards us, i shit myself and showed my friend, as he looked it pulled back, we waited a few seconds and looked again and it was coming up the path to the circle,it entered the circle and as we looked it all went into a tight ball and started to glow, it lit up the whole circle, we were a mix of shitting ourselves and excitement, it then went back into fog and went back up the path and was gone, we thought it was some sort of willow the wisp, when we left the next day the last thing i saw when we left the woods was that jay from a couple of years before [ at least i thought it was the same, it didn't tell me!!! ].
1986 posts

Edited Sep 21, 2012, 23:45
Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 23:28
Boscawen-un, but i love boskednan's views.
1986 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 21, 2012, 23:38
Nine ladies of stanton moor.
891 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 22, 2012, 05:25
Sounds right up my street!
680 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 22, 2012, 13:06

A passage grave cemetery with 12 or so passage graves, many decorated with carvings. On private land, so less visited than Carnbane East. Essence (sense) of the neolithic unequaled anywhere in my experience. Sigh.
3926 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 22, 2012, 13:13
Without thinking too deeply about it (which would likely bring me to a "short"list of several dozen sites!) I'd have to say the Ring of Brodgar had the most meaning for me, being the destination for our honeymoon that started life as a mere holiday!

G x
2899 posts

Edited Sep 22, 2012, 13:16
Re: Coetan Arthur - St.Davids Head
Sep 22, 2012, 13:14
Love the way you see it from the path on the way to it and then it disappears amongst the rocks when you think your're there. A place to sit and dream, this very stony landscape is the 'essence' of Wales and rocks.

848 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 22, 2012, 16:22
Either http://www.themodernantiquarian.com/site/387/clava_cairns.html , it's soooo far away, sooooo very cool, and you can get the whole place to your self, if your lucky, we did.

Or, http://www.themodernantiquarian.com/site/12437/hafodygors_wen.html , totally obscure, a little beauty, high above it all with tremendous views, went there today actually.
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