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509 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 22, 2012, 18:58
For me it has to be Drizzlecombe, a site I go back to again and again, as there are so many different objects in the one area. The only thing missing is a circle but Yellowmead is within easy walking distance.
604 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 22, 2012, 20:37
The various individual (and collective) stes in Carnac for me....there are Scottish stones from my youth which always had and will have a "pull" on my "essence"...but Carnac just has that edge.
5386 posts

Re: Coetan Arthur - St.Davids Head
Sep 22, 2012, 23:38
Yeah, I loved it from the path as well, all one hour and a half of it (the path that is) especially after being promised it was only about 20 minutes away from the car. And with drops down to sea-level, a couple of hundred foot below and behind every little twist and turn, maybe wise to take a parachute with you as well. The best bit was coming back, and having a sandwich on a half-decent, and ‘reasonably’ stable rock, but even that was wrecked by a couple of Dutch enthusiasts jauntily hiking along on the way to Lands End or somewhere.

Don’t go there if you suffer from acrophobia, if it’s late in the day, the weather is bad or you have a dinner date to keep. Just kidding – it’s a fantastic place, but go prepared and give yourself plenty of time to get there... and back :-)
3926 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 23, 2012, 01:05
Resonox wrote:
Carnac just has that edge.

Excellent choice(s)! Hopefully going back there next year.

G x
463 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 23, 2012, 07:16
My out of hours visit to Stonehenge was it for me, especially after almost everybody had left on that absolutely freezing morning.
Standing stones, stone circles and barrow are almost everywhere, but Stonehenge is both unique in its construction and internationally recognised by almost everybody whether they are TMA'ers or not.
In someways its purpose is obvious but at the same time begs so many questions and arguments that countless books have been written about it. But you have to ignore the poor EH sideshow and see it up close to appreciate it the most and only then doe its size and complexity really jump out at you as you try to fathom the hows and whys.
6262 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 23, 2012, 14:18
Some great replies from everyone here, some really terrific and unexpected sites as well.

While out and about yesterday I gave some thought to this - I hadn't got any answer for myself when I started the thread.

Bladup - I could have picked Boskednan because it's my favourite, but I realised that it isn't the one which most sums up the essence of why I love visiting these places best.

I'm choosing Nant Tarw instead. This is a pair of largely intact circles of small stones, north of the mountains of Y Mynydd Du in South Wales. I'm choosing it because:

1. It's a pair of circles, good things often come in pairs
2. It's really difficult to get to without a car, so a long head-clearing walk is a necessary feature of a public-transport visit
3. You can see mountains from it
4. It might have a processional avenue leading to it
5. Although it's in Burl, I may not have ever got there without the TMA website - Gladman inspired me to get to the area, Postie to the site itself
6. Possibly the most important reason for choosing it over Boskednan, is that there is no visible sign whatsoever of modern life from it. You can't see any roads, any houses, not even a telegraph pole from the circles. Just hills, a stream, the stones and the sky (okay, maybe the occassional vapour trail evokes the 21st century, but otherwise it could be 3,000 years earlier).
6262 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 23, 2012, 14:20
Blimey, that's fantastic. If I had an Irish list, that would definitely need to be on it. Wow.
6262 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 23, 2012, 14:22
postman wrote:
http://www.themodernantiquarian.com/site/12437/hafodygors_wen.html , totally obscure, a little beauty, high above it all with tremendous views, went there today actually.

Now you've tidied up a bit, I think this looks quite presentable.

Actually it looks fantastic and deserves much better recognition.
6262 posts

Re: Coetan Arthur - St.Davids Head
Sep 23, 2012, 14:23
Somewhere I'm really looking forward to getting to on the coast walk. A lovely choice Moss.
6262 posts

Re: Essence of TMAers
Sep 23, 2012, 14:25
That's a brilliant choice, it would definitely fit in with my own version of essence of TMA. As Burl says, you can practically see the people and there's no modern life intruding.
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