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Nigel Swift, RIP
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Re: Nigel Swift, RIP - OT hunting knobheads
Sep 16, 2024, 19:09
Maybe..regarding "management" but perhaps not by ignorant wankers who drink themselves stupid @ 8 am & proceed to Balmoral in their new Range Rovers, accompanied by their expensive wives, who don't hunt darling, but, you know...Balmoral.
I m a cleaner in a stop off hotel; grouse hunting is as much as it offers..( and yes morally there's a dilemma but you know needs must, earning a living and all that)..some of these people cant even look at the staff, they certainly can't flush toilets or wipe up their spilt whiskey or shitty tissues. I once witnessed a gilly, or whatever they're called explaining stuff & they openly sneered & mocked him. They don't give two fucks about land management or little lambs or country folk...I'll quote one of them.. " I just want to kill some animals".. all whilst being dressed up like Rupert Bear. Can't wait to get a glimpse of Charlie boy. Pathetic.
Oh wait I also vote Labour & loathe Johnson & Trump. Get shredding x
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