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Nigel Swift, RIP
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Re: Nigel Swift, RIP - OT hunting knobheads
Sep 16, 2024, 09:05
LeeHarveyIsInnocent wrote:

Presumably unaware whether he is in Wales or Scotland. Some colonial holiday home anyway. Or was he talking to Scottish people in Wales? (M.E.S. might have got a song out of that!)
Either way, he clearly enjoys provoking "local" people who are fathoms beneath his exalted wisdom, and who will likely piss themselves laughing when he thankfully sods off back to his sanctimonious lair.
And who is he to decide what a train driver is worth? More than him (or any Labour MP), obviously.
Social media, it's just some fun y'know.

Lois and Euros laughed out loud when I showed them this.... their Gwynedd hill farm - which I've been camping at for 42 years - "Some colonial holiday home"! You really couldn't make it up. Euros proffered a 'local' view concerning the type of sad troll who joins an archaeological website to post such puerile nonsense - and nothing else - but I will not repeat it here.

My (Welsh) niece - who is a psychologist, incidentally - was much more concerned, however, and urges you to seek the help of a mental health professional. I merely pity you.
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