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Tallest round barrow in the UK?
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Re: Tallest round barrow in the UK?
Jul 15, 2024, 20:42
Monganaut wrote:
One down the road from me, a rare large midland barrow must be a contender. Aptly called Barrow Hill. https://www.megalithic.co.uk/article.php?sid=31001

edit, or this one Crookbarrow Hill/Whittington Tump just off the M5.
Though descriptor does say partially man made hill not a barrow specifically.

Historic England seems to think Barrow Hill is a relatively 'normal' sized barrow plonked on top of a hillock? Be good if someone could persuade the landowner to let them go have a look... funnily enough, it seems Carl's already been here.

Crookbarrow Hill looks intriguing, though. Said to be a motte, but with antiquarian opinion about being a burial mound going back centuries.... Norman's weren't exactly averse to reusing mounds...

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