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Tallest round barrow in the UK?
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Re: Tallest round barrow in the UK?
Jul 14, 2024, 11:06
GLADMAN wrote:
Following a recent visit to the massive round barrow near Veryan, Cornwall (apparently now c18ft although quoted back in 1855 at being 28ft..) I got to wondering just which is the tallest remaining round barrow - as opposed to cairn - in Britain and Ireland?

I'm rubbish at Googling.. however - excluding Silbury and Bartlow Hills - I'm currently thinking from experience it may be Willy Howe at 25ft?; Lanceborough at 23ft?; Duggleby Howe at 22ft and Knowlton Great Barrow at 20ft? Can't find a height for Enford, to be fair.

Wales, aside from Garth Hill is the land of cairns... as is Scotland. Ireland?

Nice list of big old barrows. Some of the bigger round barrows do have stone elements too in the mound mix, which aren't always obvious (especially the ones covered in gorse or bilberries). I guess The Gop is a cairn, properly.

The biggest one close to home for me is Emma's Grove, which at 12ft is pretty decent for these ploughed-down parts, but not in the same league as those in your list. https://www.themodernantiquarian.com/site/11656/emmas_grove.html

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