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Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 17 August 2024 CE
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Edited Aug 18, 2024, 18:34
Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 17 August 2024 CE
Aug 18, 2024, 13:59
Wasup! This week has mostly been...

Beck - Mellow Gold/Odelay/Guero/The Information/Seachanges/Mutations
Realised I'd been neglecting the pop genius of Mr Hanson, and fell in love all over again. Esp. the Information album, what a killer! Not such a fan of Modern Guilt and beyond though, somehow seems to have lost his muse.

Rolling Stones - Beggars/Let It Bleed/Sticky Fingers/London Years Singles
Dunno why, but they classic 3 have been doing it big time for me these last few weeks, and it's good to hear some of those great earlier singles too.
First heard BB/Let it Bleed on a cassette an old work mate did for me sayin' I might like em'. I was quite dismissive at the time (not to his face), but he was right, deffo got under my skin (same thing happened with Hawkwind - X In Search Of Space).

Circle - Raunio (live)/ Alotus
My two fav Circle albums. Probably showcasing their more post rock sides. Alotus is a beautifully understated collection of atmospheres. Was the only one released on Faust's Klangbad label. Bought Raunio from Cope when he was having a clear out several years back along with another coupla Cirlce CD's I didn't have. I already had a copy of Raunio, but the later version Cope had has a extra track.
edit. you can listen to Alotus here should it sund like it may float yer boat.

Massive Attack - Mezzanine
Apparently a whole bunch of CD's from this period were mastered in the now defunct HDCD format, the above recrd being one. (5000+ I read were mastered this way when microsoft bought the rights). Though unless you have equipment that can decode you'll never know, cos the logo didn't appear on the packaging or discs (great marketing there!). Some of the Beck ones mentioned above are mastered that way too apparently. If you still have a decentish DVD player from the early 2000's, chances are you'll have the decoder built in but you need an amp that decodes too, so maybe still won't benefit from uptick in bitrate. Was gonna be the rival of SACD and DVDr at the time, but like Betamax and Video 2000 went the way of the Dodo. Amazing what you find out 20 years after the fact!

Can - Live Uncut freebie.
On the strength of this comp I bougt the Can Aston show, and it's a belter!

Tim 'Love'Lee - The Continuing Confessions of....

Bauhaus - Bela 12"

Keep well all! x

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