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Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 15 June 2024 CE
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Edited Jun 16, 2024, 10:39
Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 15 June 2024 CE
Jun 16, 2024, 10:35
Coupla weeks here.

Beak - >>>>
Love this, could be fav album of the year so far. Peppered with lovely rhythmic Can-isms and a track that could be an Anika out-take. Fave trax,
The Seal /Ah Yeh. https://beak.bandcamp.com/album/--3

Pye Corner Audio - Endless Echoes
Prob my fav PCA album. Great cinematic house with John Carpenter style arps and atmospheres. Top Cover too! https://www.juno.co.uk/products/pye-corner-audio-the-endless-echo-cd/1003702-01/

Nocturnal Emissions - In Dub
Culled from the longer Vols 1 & 2 up on bandcamp, this is a tasty comp of some of the better moments. It's all weirdly stilted digi dub, like it was made on an old Amiga octamed or something. Odd stabs and repititons that build into a strange kinda awkward dub music. It sounds odd and wrong to begin with, which is probably the intention but deffo a grower. https://holuzam.bandcamp.com/album/in-dub

LIARS - everything really, albums/EP's/singles/rarities
Was looking thru my racks for stuff I'd not played in too long and ended up on a LIARS binge. Fell in Love all over again. Except for the rather pedestrian EDM of Wixiw/ Mess they pretty much reinvent themselves on most of the other releases. Top stuff. It's crazy and kinda sad to think that you could prob pick up all their albums used on CD for under £20 or so.

Future of The Left - The Plot Against Common Sense
Shouty Welsh Indie Rockers deliver a slightly lacklustre performance on this. First two albums are still top rockers tho!

Pop.1280 - Museum on the Horizon
In which said band discover all things Front 242 /EDM and produce a middling response. Deffo not up there with debut release The Horror.

The Orb - The Holloway Brooch (An Ambient Excursion Beyond The Orboretum)
Not the best Orb I've heard. One of those RSD cashins I suspect.

VR Sex - Hard Copy
Pal recommended this with you'll either love it or hate it. For a new release it sounds like it could have come right out of 1985. To me it sounds like A weird amalgam of early Heads, Hawklords and Chrome/ early Pop.1280.
Started off thinking it was shit, and by the end was thinking it was OK. So he was kinda right on both counts. https://vrsex.bandcamp.com/album/hard-copy

Butthole Surfers - Rembrandt Pussy Horse

Sisters of Mercy - Some Girls Wander/ First and Last and Always
Ahhh, The Repile House EP. Still probably all you need from the Sisters, well and that groovy cover of 1969. I wasn't aware that there were differing versions of FALAA released. I always played the vinyl as a nipper, but the CD edition from 1988 has some totally different (and crap sounding) mixes. Out of curiostity I found an uber-fan website where all the changes are noted and compared. Should you be curious (and I don't blame you if you're not) ... https://heavyleatherblog.wordpress.com/2017/03/11/all-i-know-for-sure-the-making-of-first-and-last-and-always/

Well despite my bemoaning about vinyl, I plundered the shelve and dug thru some long time neglected old records. Don't have the best deck/hifi, but some of those proper analogue recordings did sound great. Esp the Fast Records comp (Being Boiled esp.good) Ditto those D.A.F. vinyls, Stone Roses - Fools Gold, Grant Hart - All My Senses 12", Sonic Youth - Bad Moon Rising and a bunch of Foetus stuff I only own on vinyl. Need to play ole Jim Thirwell more, he has a sweet turn of phrase on many songs. There was a short piece in the Grauniad yesterday about vinyl counterfitting/ Bootlegging. Hell, I think I actively sought out Boots at record fairs back in the 80's. In the days before streaming it was often the only way to get hold of something super limited or unreleased. Tho I guess if you pay top dollar for stuff these days you're more entitles to be miffed. Weirdly, from the article, the Sisters of Mercy are still one of the most bootlegged acts (they were back in the day too). Here's the article if you're interested. https://www.theguardian.com/music/article/2024/jun/15/vinyl-came-back-from-the-dead-and-so-did-the-bootleggers-inside-the-booming-business-of-knock-off-records

Tangs - Zeit

Was in a fingers X'd for pay day there'd be some left on the Jehovakill Cope Notes, but my lovely youngest had bought it for me for Pappi's Day.
Top Kid!! Something to spin later.

Have a better one!
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