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Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
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Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 28, 2024, 17:47
tjj wrote:
Yesterday, walked from Uffington to Wayland's Smithy. Was very disappointed to find a group of adults sitting on top of the monument having a picnic, completely oblivious to any one wanting to take a closer look or even a photograph. I'm afraid I didn't have the courage to say anything to them but felt this behaviour to be selfish and disrespectful. How do people here respond to this, I wonder. Or am I just being a grumpy killjoy.

Just as well it wasn't Belas Knap: https://www.themodernantiquarian.com/post/72072/folklore/belas_knap.html

I must admit to having had my lunch at/on lots of prehistoric sites, but mostly ones where no-one else was likely to be bothered out in the wilds. It's pretty obviously likely to be irritating to others on a 'show site' like Wayland's though, they could have just as easily sat off the monument to eat.

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