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Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
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Howburn Digger
Howburn Digger
995 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
Jun 06, 2024, 09:15
I once almost walked in on a couple having an "ahem" at Carn Ban in the hills of Arran.
Honestly... this country...
3615 posts

Edited Jun 14, 2024, 10:45
Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
Jun 14, 2024, 10:42
Farstar wrote:
Your literally saying "People are eating and that kids having fun" so yes you're 100% been a grumpy killjoy, As long as no litter is left or damage done (Which are both criminal offences) then their business is their own and certainly not your business in any way, No wonder you didn't say anything because i can imagine their reply just as you clearly did by not saying anything to them (The two words you'd get begin with an F and an O)

Thank you for taking the time to log on and respond though I suspect it is very much a one-off and you probably won't read this. First of all you have misquoted me. I 'literally' did not say what you have quoted above.
And yes, I did not want to cause a scene at a site I know is considered, if not sacred, then very special and unique to hundreds of people. As it was a bank holiday there were lots of people turning up to spend some time there so what those people were doing was selfish. Had they been doing the same thing on a different day they wouldn't have been seen and yes, probably no harm done. Though I personally do not agree with it.
Were you one of the people sitting up there by any chance. If you were you must have realised you were being observed by the many people who came and went. And are probably in one or two photographs.

All the best whoever you are.
2578 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
Jun 14, 2024, 13:54
thesweetcheat wrote:
Farstar wrote:
Your literally saying "People are eating and that kids having fun" so yes you're 100% been a grumpy killjoy, As long as no litter is left or damage done (Which are both criminal offences) then their business is their own and certainly not your business in any way, No wonder you didn't say anything because i can imagine their reply just as you clearly did by not saying anything to them (The two words you'd get begin with an F and an O)

Wow, have you created an account here just to post this? Outstanding work.

Outstanding answer :-)
2578 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
Jun 14, 2024, 13:58
G. T. F.
1047 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
Jun 15, 2024, 13:08
tjj wrote:
Yesterday, walked from Uffington to Wayland's Smithy. Was very disappointed to find a group of adults sitting on top of the monument having a picnic, completely oblivious to any one wanting to take a closer look or even a photograph. I'm afraid I didn't have the courage to say anything to them but felt this behaviour to be selfish and disrespectful. How do people here respond to this, I wonder. Or am I just being a grumpy killjoy.

Yes, you're being a grumpy killjoy. And I say that as a grumpy killjoy who gets really annoyed at finding other people hanging round monuments - especially when I want to photograph them.

What you're saying here is that you want to prioritise your way of enjoying the monument over their way of enjoying the monument. Nobody has a right to do that. They have as much right to be there enjoying the monument in their own way as you or I have. There's no rule, written or unwritten, that says people should move along quickly leaving the place clear for photographs and for people who prefer tranquillity.

I say all this with the greatest sympathy. Cyclists turned up when I was at Wayland's earlier this year and I was infuriated and wanted to do unpleasant things to them. But I have to recognise that this is my problem and not theirs, so I waited patiently for 15 mins until I could get clear photographs. And if they'd stayed longer, I'd have been really frustrated, but.... still my problem and not theirs. Maybe some people get wound up by photographers prowling round taking photos and making them feel unwelcome and awkward?
964 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
Jun 16, 2024, 21:08
drewbhoy wrote:

Outstanding answer :-)

Aye, wasn't it just? Saddest thing for me is how people can be adamant that not giving a damn for anybody else is not an issue for those not giving a damn... but instead, for those who do. If that is what you truly believe, then keep the hell away from me, because I was brought up to a much higher standard of behaviour. In my opinion... it is not MY problem, it is society's problem that people are so ignorant.
964 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
Jun 16, 2024, 21:08
drewbhoy wrote:

Outstanding answer :-)

Aye, wasn't it just? Saddest thing for me is how people can be adamant that not giving a damn for anybody else is not an issue for those not giving a damn... but instead, for those who do. If that is what you truly believe, then keep the hell away from me, because I was brought up to a much higher standard of behaviour. In my opinion... it is not MY problem, it is society's problem that people are so ignorant.
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