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Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
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Edited May 28, 2024, 15:02
Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 28, 2024, 15:01
Yesterday, walked from Uffington to Wayland's Smithy. Was very disappointed to find a group of adults sitting on top of the monument having a picnic, completely oblivious to any one wanting to take a closer look or even a photograph. I'm afraid I didn't have the courage to say anything to them but felt this behaviour to be selfish and disrespectful. How do people here respond to this, I wonder. Or am I just being a grumpy killjoy.
6262 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 28, 2024, 17:47
tjj wrote:
Yesterday, walked from Uffington to Wayland's Smithy. Was very disappointed to find a group of adults sitting on top of the monument having a picnic, completely oblivious to any one wanting to take a closer look or even a photograph. I'm afraid I didn't have the courage to say anything to them but felt this behaviour to be selfish and disrespectful. How do people here respond to this, I wonder. Or am I just being a grumpy killjoy.

Just as well it wasn't Belas Knap: https://www.themodernantiquarian.com/post/72072/folklore/belas_knap.html

I must admit to having had my lunch at/on lots of prehistoric sites, but mostly ones where no-one else was likely to be bothered out in the wilds. It's pretty obviously likely to be irritating to others on a 'show site' like Wayland's though, they could have just as easily sat off the monument to eat.
3615 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 29, 2024, 10:21
thesweetcheat wrote:
tjj wrote:
Yesterday, walked from Uffington to Wayland's Smithy. Was very disappointed to find a group of adults sitting on top of the monument having a picnic, completely oblivious to any one wanting to take a closer look or even a photograph. I'm afraid I didn't have the courage to say anything to them but felt this behaviour to be selfish and disrespectful. How do people here respond to this, I wonder. Or am I just being a grumpy killjoy.

Just as well it wasn't Belas Knap: https://www.themodernantiquarian.com/post/72072/folklore/belas_knap.html

I must admit to having had my lunch at/on lots of prehistoric sites, but mostly ones where no-one else was likely to be bothered out in the wilds. It's pretty obviously likely to be irritating to others on a 'show site' like Wayland's though, they could have just as easily sat off the monument to eat.

Hah! Great little story about Belas Knap, thanks. In the instance I mentioned at Wayland's Smithy there was also a hyper-active boy of about nine leaping over the stones in a precarious fashion. It turned out he was nothing to do with the picnic group - his mother was sitting on a blanket on the grass. So hopefully the boy was a little annoying ...
964 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 31, 2024, 11:03
Rarely have such issues anymore since I find I've seen most of the 'popular sites' - however, when it does occur I find the best way to get people to move is to 'weird them out', make them uncomfortable sitting where they are spoiling it for others. Set up my camera tripod beside them, ask them questions, make sudden exclamations... 'wow, far out, etc' to myself. They soon move on
1 posts

Edited May 31, 2024, 11:19
Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 31, 2024, 11:18
Your literally saying "People are eating and that kids having fun" so yes you're 100% been a grumpy killjoy, As long as no litter is left or damage done (Which are both criminal offences) then their business is their own and certainly not your business in any way, No wonder you didn't say anything because i can imagine their reply just as you clearly did by not saying anything to them (The two words you'd get begin with an F and an O)
78 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 31, 2024, 12:14
Farstar wrote:
Your literally saying "People are eating and that kids having fun" so yes you're 100% been a grumpy killjoy, As long as no litter is left or damage done (Which are both criminal offences) then their business is their own and certainly not your business in any way, No wonder you didn't say anything because i can imagine their reply just as you clearly did by not saying anything to them (The two words you'd get begin with an F and an O)

obviously everyone has the right to disagree, however, comments within your unnecessary (IMHO)
964 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 31, 2024, 12:17
Farstar wrote:
Your literally saying "People are eating and that kids having fun" so yes you're 100% been a grumpy killjoy, As long as no litter is left or damage done (Which are both criminal offences) then their business is their own and certainly not your business in any way, No wonder you didn't say anything because i can imagine their reply just as you clearly did by not saying anything to them (The two words you'd get begin with an F and an O)

Nonsense. Disagree with everything you say. So what you are saying is 'No need to have any consideration for anyone else as long as I'm having fun?' In my opinion... that just highlights that you, just like those ignorant 'pic-nickers' also have no manners.
6262 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 31, 2024, 18:28
Farstar wrote:
Your literally saying "People are eating and that kids having fun" so yes you're 100% been a grumpy killjoy, As long as no litter is left or damage done (Which are both criminal offences) then their business is their own and certainly not your business in any way, No wonder you didn't say anything because i can imagine their reply just as you clearly did by not saying anything to them (The two words you'd get begin with an F and an O)

Wow, have you created an account here just to post this? Outstanding work.
6262 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 31, 2024, 18:29
GLADMAN wrote:
Rarely have such issues anymore since I find I've seen most of the 'popular sites' - however, when it does occur I find the best way to get people to move is to 'weird them out', make them uncomfortable sitting where they are spoiling it for others. Set up my camera tripod beside them, ask them questions, make sudden exclamations... 'wow, far out, etc' to myself. They soon move on

Haha, feel free to come and ask me questions while I'm eating my sandwiches ;)
964 posts

Re: Having a picnic on top of an ancient monument
May 31, 2024, 22:57
thesweetcheat wrote:
Farstar wrote:
Your literally saying "People are eating and that kids having fun" so yes you're 100% been a grumpy killjoy, As long as no litter is left or damage done (Which are both criminal offences) then their business is their own and certainly not your business in any way, No wonder you didn't say anything because i can imagine their reply just as you clearly did by not saying anything to them (The two words you'd get begin with an F and an O)

Wow, have you created an account here just to post this? Outstanding work.

Yeah. You know I was first drawn to TMA because there were real people here who actually seemed to care about stuff that mattered to me... Nature, where we came from, where we're going to, people who subscribed to 'do as you would to others', disagree - perhaps fundamentally - but understand why, etc. Then you come across 'individuals' who I hope I never, ever meet: those who share nothing of worth, yet denigrate others. Worthless trolls. I say declare war upon these for the sake of humanity. Common decency costs nothing... yet is priceless.
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