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The Beautiful Disease

Have A Nice Dream

Released 2005 on Unidentified Recordings
Reviewed by Lovernia, Jan 2006ce

Once again The Beautiful Disease share with us some of their great varied compositions. Another glimpse in this bright, shimmering universe somewhere beyond imagination. As usually, these great songs are getting deep down into our existance and memory, bringing us forgotten (echoing) or invisible parts of our experience back into consciousness. Within these songs you can find missing or silent territories of your imagination and senses, which were not within your view onto that point. These songs can dive deep into your soul, to bring neglected yearnings back into the light, opening doors to forgotten or lost inner spaces. This could bring you to the very edges of your existance.

“Have A Nice Dream” is meant as an invitation to move within our apparent life like in an apparent dream, more lead by the powers of anticipation, symbols and pictures, than concretion, fear and threadbare ideologies. (as Chris stated in an interview). Symbols and pictures are the characteristic features of this album and I think, this is where the fascination for this music mainly comes from, because symbolic description is the characteristic pleasure of the human soul.
It is a lyrical expression of music, because if poems habit according to their deepest inner character they would dance somewhere outside on the boundaries of the world and would never lie flat between the pages of a book. And so Stanley Carr (synthesizers, elec. percussion) and Michael Schaffer (guitar) create music to give the poems of Chris Goellnitz (vocals) wings so that it is easier for them to touch us so deep within our soul.

1.)Immortal Suicide
This song reminds me on Kraftwerk. Chris’ voice seems a bit “lost”.

A strange, experimental/psychedelic lovesong.

3.)Liquid Emily
Wow, this is one of my favourites! Based on a Bossa Nova (I think), mixed with a psychedelic bubbling synthie-sound. And very weird lyrics!

4.) Blütenleicht (Lightweight as Flowers)
Simple 80’s Wave in a Soft Cell like style. Very hypnotic beats in some parts.

5.) Princess Never
Very strange and ghostly.
Chris said about the impulses for this song: “The idea that ‑for instance- a female deity is menstruating a summer breeze out of her star-womb is very attractive to me in the allegory of a cosmic romanticism.” 

The first part of this song is a very nice synth-pop piece. I think the lyrics are a slightly blasphemic clearance with the term religion. I don’t think, only the christian religion, but religions on the whole, mainly crooks and itinerant preachers, all this “my way is the only true way” stuff. Then in the second part, the song changes into a complete freak-out, like Julians “Hung up and hanging out to dry”, but based on an indian-style rhythm.

7.) A Sailor’s Tragedy
A great psychedelic song! Most interesting to me are the weird drum lines. The lyrics are a surrealistic highlight. For instance: “Sliding in a test-tube through your liquifying hairdo” or “My lover has become a spider/ The subtle change has lasted years/ I still scream her name/ When she crawls eight-legged through my veins”

Spoken word performance, very lightly and fragile instrumented.

9.) Planetenmelodie (Melody of the Planets)
Darkish popsong, one of those irresistible pieces of music so typical for The Beautiful Disease. Was previously released on “The Secrets E.P.”.

10.) Have A Nice Dream
Simple song, only piano and harpsichord. One of the impulses for this song was the story of a little boy, who watched his mother masturbating through the gap of a door, whilst she was painfully yearning for her lover, who’s lost in war. So the boy decides to outgrow the mechanisms of hope and loss, fade away for himself the borders of love, pain, sexuality, time and space and to seal his childhood.

Total running time: 63:31

More information at www​.beautifuldisease​.com