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TeliVisiOn PeRsoNalities

*Fashion CoNscious* (The LiTtLe TeddY years)

Released 2002 on Little TeddY recordings The
Reviewed by cHARLIE, Jul 2002ce

TeliVisiOn PeRsoNalities *Fashion CoNscious*
(The LiTtLe TeddY years)

Little TeddY recordings UK The Bus stop LABEL USA

I lost touch with this band in the mid NinEties after a move from Glasgow to bRISTOL ……but when living through the mid to latE eightiEs I was lucky enough to have seen theE t.v.p’s. play various venues around Glasgow’s (then growing) *60’s mod* clubs which me and my gang would go just to get away from all that fecken crap eighties stuff we were being force fed via radio and T.V. land. 

I had never heard of the T.V.P’s until a gurL I liked asked me to go see um with her, she was a faN & anyway she was a kewl kewl sexy 18 year ald 60’s chick and she had great taste ……we got very high that night and got to the gig early.

I remember on checking out their stage set up before they were due to come on and realising in my tripping state they had hardly any kit at all! An old Burns 12 string electric guitar a bass and half a drum kit.
O’well I thought?

That night I was blown away by the charisma of *Daniel Treacy* and the volumes of psychedelic sounds this man could get out of an ald Burns 12 string!! No effects apart from a phaze peddle and big Muff…more than that this guy could really play but in a way that was not at all predictable to me He smashed about all night drawing the crowd into his private world of ironic surrealisms that only losers such as myself could truly relate to and be tragic enough to indulge in the sick humour of it all. (Some things never change e’h? GrIn)

I was a fAn from that Point on and I still am!.. even though over the last few dramatic years of my own life I lost all me records including my television personalities collection which was my pride and joy.
(I was bitter believe me but thats another story!)
The other day I found a copy of the T.V.P’s *Fashion CoNscious* album (The LiTtLe TeddY years) and it has brought back all those memories of my youth. 

The album runs through a few of Daniel Treacy’s cover versions of
*I’m not like everybody else* by the kinks ‚*I hear a new world* by Jo Meek among others and his version of Syd Barretts *bike* which even Syd himself would have smiled @!…….. but this album doesn’t really kick off until *Dan* starts singing his own chOons !

Starting with time goes *slowly when your drowning* a haunting song that meanders dreamy thoughts of the tragic *Dan* s unhinged view of gurl power over the boys, but at the same time always letting the listener know this was *his* ironic view and he is some how above and detached from gender in an almost drug filled hazeKIND OF way. U~know?

*In a luxury dock land home* Mr treacy gives the listener more scenarios with his powerful lyrical vision of wealth(V‘s)poverty and how the rich people have their * luxury dock land home* facing a way from theee council estate round the back…. this is all sung to a dry floydian/barrett organ, a pub piano and a jungle beat *the fun boy 3* would have been proud of! 

*I was a Mod befor you was a mod* is simply ace but not long enough me finks!
And *Jennfer, Julie, and Josephine* is a wee dig at little rich guRLs ……
“Josephine snorts her coke from a silver spoon and wonders where here life is going to?” ……..these lyrics say it all !

Moving on now to the sPoOkyest song *Now I’m a Junkie* …….this song freeks me out every time I hear it cus it reflects *Dans* state of mind 13 years on from when I first saw him play below the barrowlands back in Glasgow. 

A brutal song of shame, guilt, and submission to class *A’s* ……..ALL rapped in a velvet under ground sonic beat, but with the added tones of *Daniel Treacy’s* tragic bitter~sweet vision of it all ! I will stop this feeble effort to review this great album of tragedy now due to the rumour that theee great *Daniel Treacy* has more or less gone missing and has only been seen a few times sleeping rough on the streets of London and was or is apparently in a bad way with drug addiction and ongoing mental health problems. Don’t spose he will ever realise how much he changed my world*¬( 

(I got the last bit of personal info about Dan through a web sight which I will not mention, but if this info is wrong please understand it is just the rumours I read about the man and was and is not ment to offend any one connected to Dan or the television personalities.)

Come back to us *Dan* !
a truly UnsuNG hero!!!