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Test for Echo

Released 1996 on Atlantic
Reviewed by billding68, May 2015ce

Test for Echo is the sixteenth album by Rush. Sixteenth! that alone is a feat that most bands don’t come close to and in many cases shouldn’t . Test for Echo Was somewhat of a return to form in many respects for Rush. Gone were the Mountains of Synth and Guitars were brought back to the forefront.Also back unfortunately is the mandatory Hideous track that many Rush albums possess in this case its a track called Dog years, a track so cringe worthy I didn’t add it to the Ipod when I loaded the album on. Other than the elephant in the room Test for Echo has some truly classic Rush tunes on it and some of my favorite tracks they’ve ever recorded. Songs like Half the world and resist are absolute classic Neil Peart While tracks like Driven and The title track showcase Alex Lifesons masterful guitar work. Geddy Lee is no slouch on this record either sounding more energized and enthusiastic then he had in some time. Overall Test for Echo is a very enjoyable listen and a step back into the right direction for Rush which unfortunately was cut short soon after this album due to the deaths of both Neils wife in 1998 of cancer and the loss of his daughter in a car accident in 1997. this was the last from Rush for 6 years as Neil traveled by motorcycle for some 50,000 miles to get himself together.Rush will return however and continue to bring their brand of Arena rock to new generations of fans worldwide.