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Nurse With Wound/Current 93

Bright Yellow Moon

Released 2001 on UDOR 8CD
Reviewed by the sensual santa, Sep 2001ce

Stephen Stapleton & David Tibet collaraborate for the first time as their respective identities on this frightening and beautiful recording. Although their creative lives have been intertwined for many years on this piece both identities are at the forefront. The liner notes for this album describe how it was conceived from lyrics Tibet wrote in hospital undergoing treatment for a near fatal ailment. The mood is confessional yet defiant, monologues laiced with fractured chords and slowly rising bass tones, which lurch forward into a feverish death ride of the soul as Tibet recounts his vision of the Angel Of Death Samael entering the ward at night. The cut n’ paste of ”Mothering Sunday (Legion Legion) is more ‘traditional Nurse With Wound, sound effects and vocal delays collide createing a last gasp drug induced vision of the future and past all at once.
There is nothing else like the ‘music’ that these men make, it does not fit, if you dont look for it you wont find it, if you dont like it you certainly wont be able to forget it.