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Nik Turner

Sphynx — Xitintoday

Released 1978 on Charisma
Reviewed by The Count, Sep 2005ce

So, you’ve been kicked out of Hawkwind by Dave Brock. It’s 1977 and the height of the punk era. You are still contracted to Charisma. So what do you do? I’m sure no-one was expecting THIS…

Unpredictable as ever, the Thunder Rider went to Egypt and wangled his way into the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Therein he proceeded to lie in a stone casket and record some amazingly beautiful flute music. (it must be said that the natural reverb is fabulous!) He then went home to Wales and, with assistance from various members of Gong, overdubbed it to create an album unlike any other.

It’s pointless trying to describe the end result, really. Suffice to say a pair of headphones and a darkened room are heartily recommended. 

Without doubt the finest musical interpretation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead ever recorded! 

NB Beware the re-recorded version from the ’90s on the Cleopatra CD. It’s not the real deal, but does have the achingly beautiful 24 minute original flute recordings.