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Metallic Fury

Kisses From Belgium EP

Released 2005 on Vet & Spekkig
Reviewed by Gogs, Nov 2005ce

Don’t be confused about the bonkers EP title and front cover, these bastards are about as FUCKING metal as it FUCKING gets.

A (musically) lean as fuck stripped back three-piece from deepest Belgium, fronted by a fat 40 year old lunatic called Filip Priem, there’s not a note or a word wasted on this whole EP.

Metallic Fury are different from most bands these days because they actually fucking MATTER. Furthermore they sing about shit that FUCKING MATTERS. They sing about METAL, sing about WAR, sing about BEING FUCKING RIGHTEOUS and most importantly, sing a whole fucking lot about THEMSELVES.

This is their second release in 2 months and dispels the theory that frontman and RIFF-BEAST Fat Fil has been stockpiling songs for most of his 40 year existence, simply because this EP BLOWS THE FIRST ONE TO SHITTY, WORTHLESS, SHITTY, SHITTY, SMITHERINES. By the end of the awesome first song “We’re Fucking Back!” I knew there was no need to EVER listen to the Revolution EP again. This track alone is FASTER, GROOVIER, HARDER, SEXIER and flat out BETTER than ANYTHING on the first EP, which was pretty decent in its own right. “METALLIC FURY WILL ALWAYS BE… HERE!!!” roars Filip, like some fat twisted version of Super Ted.

Where the first EP was tight enough and well recorded, this one is RAW AS FUCKING BOUTALISM, and tight as the rhythm section’s own teenage arseholes. The one weak point on Revolution, Filip’s vocals have improved immeasurably here.

Filip’s on awesome form on the second song, the anthemic “Not Liking Metallic Furry…” which builds and builds like tension on Filip’s waistband until BOOOOOMM, he unleashes a mind blowing 61 second guitar solo, the second half of which he plays AT THE SAME TIME as singing the final chorus. FUCKING incredible.

Next up is the version of the original MF classic, “Revolution”, taken from a September radio session for Belgium’s F.O.G. station. Totally reworked from the original, Fil replaces some of the original’s glib lyrics with jazz-inflected scat singing, Sander adds tasteful percussion and Jen lets rip on a storming harmonica solo. One complaint with this EP is at around 11 mins total playing time they had plenty space to have “Sweating Lard”, the other acoustic song from that session here also. Maybe we’ll see it on the next release?

The E.P. proper is rounded off with the rip-roaring “And That’s The Truth Bibi!!!!” a 51 second blast of pure Filip madness, and yet another twist on the so far FLAWLESS MF formula, branching out to almost hardcore punk here.

With 2 EP’s already under his huge belt, Filip must surely now be looking at making THE album that he and his young chums look capable of delivering now.

Let’s hope for the sake of music everywhere that people keep making them ridiculous.