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What's been your most played Album Of The Month?
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Sin Agog
Sin Agog
2253 posts

Edited May 30, 2015, 17:02
What's been your most played Album Of The Month?
May 30, 2015, 16:35
's been what, a year? two? since the thing that revivified my interest in Cope got put in a little cardboard box in the attic. I felt it was high time I gave that other little column under Unsung another click- and Gut Gott that's one stupendous collection of records. So much spiky, paranoid, blissful idiot savantry to choose from. I get giddy just looking at them. I'll have to break this down into: Most Played AOTM I Already Knew About (MPAOTMIAKA, or Mehpahottmeeyaka) and Most Played AOTM That Cope Turned Me Onto (MPAOTMTCTMO, or Mehpahottmootkertmow).

My Mehpahottmeeyaka is probably Rocket From the Tombs, albeit a different comp than the one he listed (actually, that happens a lot with Cope...bloody hipster obscurantist). From the first listen it played straight to the apoplectic teen miserablist in me who could never quite find the words. Laughner's solos, man- they're the words I was blindly groping about for! It's a grave drag he thought himself a non-musician hanger-on right up until the early end.

As to my Mehpahottmootkertmow... JeZeus, there's an embarrassment of riches there. Even the unexpected anomalies like Tom Lehrer, Lord Buckley and Nathaniel Mayer are just wonderful. I can understand what an effort it is spending your every waking hour trying to augment your collection of holy relics. You've gotta choose life eventually. Still, wish he kept it up just a leeeetle bit longer. I think it's a choice between Tokyo Kid Brothers, which I always find just so bloody joyful, even if it's rare that I'll find anyone else who isn't turned off by all the emotive Noh theatrics, Franco Battiato's Fetus- though he did quite a few almost equally good albums for awhile there in the early '70s which might splinter off some of the plays Fetus got- Sand and Parson Sound; I love the hermetically-sealed Schulzemosphere of the former, but I half-suspect I may have first discovered the Trad Gras Harvester Sound elsewhere, I canne remember. S'pose it's probably Tokyo Kid Brothers, as I still have a yen to give it another play, one day after its last spin. I've always had a thing for music that sounds like it comes from a commune. I spoke to a guy who said he met them all when they came to London in the early '70s, and actually taught them a smidgen of English. According to him, they were a pure seam of energy and revolt. You can hear it in the album and the Terayama film from which it sprang.

Come back to us, Cope-san!

ETA: Shit, five years!?

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