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3082 posts

Edited Sep 11, 2024, 11:23
Sep 11, 2024, 11:22
Have just come across a fascinating new vid on YT: ‘Britain’s LOST Prehistoric Wonder of the World - Shap’s Megalithic Avenue’. On TMA the most recent detailed sniffing of the area seems to have been done by Fitzcoraldo way back in 2007 :(
726 posts

Re: Shap!
Sep 12, 2024, 15:24
Just watched it myself - excellent stuff! Been to Gunnerkeld which is mentioned as part of the megalithic complex.
64 posts

Re: Shap!
Sep 13, 2024, 12:32
Fascinating indeed but also sad to think what has been lost, particularly in such a relatively remote area where one might have expected more to have survived.
Howburn Digger
Howburn Digger
995 posts

Re: Shap!
Sep 13, 2024, 16:44
Shap has always fascinated me. There are LOADS of toppled megaliths lying between the Northbound/ Southbound lanes of the M6 from Gunnerkeld right down to the Services at Tebay. Plus plenty more on either side. Looks like some carnage occurred,
Last time (and the first time) I stopped at Gunnerkeld was 13 years ago this month en-route back from North Wales. Always loved seeing Gunnerkeld from Citylink buses to London or from my various cars' windows as I drove by over the decades.

I watched that video a few days ago. I have always been awaiting a "proper" fully-funded, yop-of-the-line C4, BBC or somesuch documentary. But none has ever appeared. Must be too busy with their diversity work or sumhin.
2016 posts

Re: Shap!
Sep 17, 2024, 08:00
I walked it end to end about two years ago. Beautiful landscape and cracking stones.
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