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Arthur's Stone and Golden Valley
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Re: Arthur's Stone and Golden Valley
Sep 07, 2024, 16:38
thesweetcheat wrote:
Ah, my home county (albeit I grew up at the other end of it).

This is the stone circle, what's left of it:


In case you are bored and want some reading, here's a blog with a couple of stones around Dorstone (and Arthur's Stone):

Thank you so much. Have just read your excellent blog which has stood the test of time. Feel very enthusiastic about my trip now. As you say, an unsung county. My niece visited Arthur's Stone quite out of the blue earlier in the year. I had not heard of it before seeing the photos she had taken and couldn't quite understand why that was the case - it looks impressive. Not sure if I'm still up for doing the walk you did thesweetcheat, but will be wearing my walking shoes whatever.

Thanks too, for the information about the stone circle. Shame about the car park - will check it out.

Best wishes

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