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10 largest stone circles?
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1073 posts

10 largest stone circles?
Aug 07, 2024, 23:15
I'm sure the list is out there somewhere but i'm flucked if i can find it!
So far i have -

Avebury 300m
Stanton Drew 113m
Long Meg 107m
Ring of Brodgar 103.6

The Waun Maun circle is dipping in at 110m but i'm discounting that as there's little evidence for it bar MPP and his findings. Though the Ness of Brodgar website seems to kinda support it's place in the list.

64 posts

Re: 10 largest stone circles?
Aug 09, 2024, 10:05
Maybe Stannon gets in the top 10? It's years since I've been there but I remember thinking it was pretty big.
Howburn Digger
Howburn Digger
995 posts

Re: 10 largest stone circles?
Aug 09, 2024, 18:35
Twelve Apostles at Holywood just north of Dumfries. Pretty big.
1073 posts

Re: 10 largest stone circles?
Aug 09, 2024, 22:50
Howburn Digger wrote:
Twelve Apostles at Holywood just north of Dumfries. Pretty big.

89m. It has to be up there.
Devils quoits at 79m is a top 10 maybe too.
1073 posts

Re: 10 largest stone circles?
Aug 09, 2024, 22:52
Howburn Digger wrote:
Twelve Apostles at Holywood just north of Dumfries. Pretty big.

89m. It has to be up there.
Devils quoits at 79m is a top 10 maybe too.
1073 posts

Re: 10 largest stone circles?
Aug 09, 2024, 22:52
Double posted.
6262 posts

Re: 10 largest stone circles?
Aug 10, 2024, 09:20
Not even close to the big ones, but this is a handy guide to size of Dartmoor circles.

2425 posts

Edited Aug 10, 2024, 16:58
Re: 10 largest stone circles?
Aug 10, 2024, 15:28
Medium-ist end of larger UK sites.
Beltany stone circle 45m
Gamelands Penrith - 44.5 by 37.5 metres
Fernacre 46m by 43m
Craddock Moor 39m
Girdle Stanes 38m
Arbor Low 42m by 37m
Ballynoe stone circle 35m

Lacam de Peyrarines 120m

Slightly off topic (as ever) and I'm sure you're aware, but the Priddy Henge Circles are approx 152m and the Thorbourugh Henges Circles are approx 250m. Durrington Walls is 470m.
64 posts

Re: 10 largest stone circles?
Aug 10, 2024, 16:05
Maybe not; just checked and it's only a mere 40m. It seemed bigger.
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7728 posts

Re: 10 largest stone circles?
Aug 12, 2024, 19:26
Shame it's not henges - Figgsbury Ring is up to 187m long by 151m wide.

And it's lovely.
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