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Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary
Jan 25, 2013, 04:36
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Here's another for you Paul. It's a quicky so no blurring to the bases or anything, there's even a bit of a nine stones close stone in there lol.


I love it, it looks so right, The way it fits into the background scenery is amazing, it looks so much better than posts, Having the stones from the wall and a few new ones isn't that different to the Devil's Quoit, you've done a really great job there, do you still think they should just have horrible concrete posts? [they mirror the times nicely though], Like someone else said they somehow work at woodhenge but i do always feel the posts at the sanctuary maybe even take away something of the site, it's a special spot often overlooked because of the better visual sites, this would truely bring it back, driving down the A4 you'd have silbury, a newly done out west Kennett, then a newly done sanctury, then just off the Devil's den with a good parking for people and make people more welcome at merlins mount, and take the swinden road out of avebury completely, your pictures got me exicited look % }

Personally i'd leave the concrete markers, yeah they are horrible but even using the wall stones you wouldn't have the "true" Sanctuary or anything approaching it, i'd just be a sham imo. Sadly it's gone, and we just have to live with that i'm afraid.

Now those buried stones, that's a different matter. !

How much effort has actually gone into searching out the Sanctuary stones other than those being talked about? As they weren't THAT big by all accounts is it possible that they've been dragged off and buried not too far away also? I suppose it is but more likely I suspect is that they've been broken up for walling and the like. And what about the bulk of the avenue stones joining up to the Sanctuary, have they been buried as well just waiting to be rediscovered?

I know there's 3 or 4 WK avenue stones in the hedge by the A4, they're even still standing.
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