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RIP John Michell
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Edited May 20, 2009, 17:37
Re: Thought for the Day
May 20, 2009, 15:11
tjj wrote:

Thank you for taking the trouble to reproduce that extract.

I regret to say that I missed out on John Michell's work up until now, though I have friends who hold him in the highest regard. "Earth Spirit" has been mentioned as one of his most influential books and I will get hold of a copy as soon as I can.

My pleasure. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think what he’s saying here is something everyone in the head heritage community can relate to. It’s what drives us to explore our roots, wherever they may be, and if we’re moving around in foreign lands, to seek out the shrines of local spirits - as he quotes Plato saying – in order to make our own presence meaningful and real. It’s a worldview, or instinct, that I think we all share and that brings us together here. So, thanks to John Michell for articulating it.

I'm sure you'll love "Earth Spirit", and take a look at "Megalithomania" as well, a wonderful book devoted to you-know-what.


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