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The Jehovahcoat Demos

The Jehovahcoat Demos

Julian Cope
2011, Head Heritage

Written and recorded throughout 1993CE in direct response to having been dropped by Island Records, THE JEHOVAHCOAT DEMOS is an intense 65-minute journey through the music and mind of the Archdrude during his research period for both KRAUTROCKSAMPLER and THE MODERN ANTIQUARIAN. There are 15 killer tracks, plus 5 previously unpublished poems in a sixteen-page booklet. And the name THE JEHOVAHCOAT DEMOS? Throughout that immediate post-Island Records period, Cope’s erstwhile cohort and sometime producer D‑R ‘Donn-eye’ Skinner referred constantly to wearing his imaginary ‘Jehovahcoat’, this being – according to Donn-eye – the ultimate Cope promo item. And so this mythical garment is now celebrated herein with these 5 unpublished poems and 15 between-time tracks all laid down during that wyrd period of ‘Jehovahcoat’.

  1. Boskawen-un
  2. Hanging Out With Emma Jame When Emma Jane’s A Junkie
  3. Sunhoney
  4. Know Alternatives
  5. Preternatural Sitcom
  6. Wrath Of Can’t
  7. Theme From ‘Jehovahcoat’
  8. Time And Space
  9. Tyrebagger
  10. Headshopping
  11. El Sqwubbsy’s Machu Picchu Revelation
  12. Baby, My Mind Stood Up
  13. Riding On The Crest Of A Slump
  14. Albany
  15. Julian The Apostate