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Inner City Unit

The Maximum Effect

Released 1981 on Avatar
Reviewed by The Count, Aug 2005ce

Criminally overlooked, mainly due to the prefix “Nik Turner’s” being foisted upon them, ICU defied any categorisation and were a totally wild live experience. Their recorded output is varied, to say the least, but this album stands as a classic. (The production’s a bit good, but then the band did go twice over budget)…
Opener “Bones Of Elvis” finds the erstwhile Thunder Rider in proto-rap anthem territory, if such a thing can be imagined. “Virgin Love” is thrashy punk to the max. “Two Worlds” exists on a world of its own. “In The Mood” gives Nik a chance to ponce about in a comedy fashion. “Sid’s Song” is at once sad, beautiful and rocking. “Metal” is an almighty discordant racket, and is brilliant.
What really shines through is the songwriting quality of “Judge” Trev Thoms and “Dead” Fred Reeves. More than any other ICU album, this one showcases a BAND rather than cashing in on members’ pasts… this is not to denigrate Nik, far from it, but ICU as an equal opportunities employer clearly worked.
Tragically this album is not available on CD. Unless you go to deadfred​.co​.uk , where you may find some helpful hints!