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Supershit 666


Released 1999 on Inferno
Reviewed by kwd, Feb 2005ce

1 Wire Out
2 Fast One
3 Dangermind
4 You Smell Canadian
5 Star War Jr
6 Crank it Up!

Plug it in, turn it up, PLAY IT LOUD… sounds corny, but sometimes the old ones are the best, and Supershit 666 – a one-night stand between the Wildhearts, Hellacopters and Backyard Babies — are straight out of the old school. No acoustic guitars, no ambient interludes, no clever clever chord progressions… for those afraid to rock, we refute you. Everyone else is invited to crack open the 6‑track and get drunk on a super(shit)-strength audio brew because, if there’s one spirit that absolutely truly fuels the EP, it’s this:


Whether it’s the relentless (We Are) The Road Crew loco-motion of ‘Fast One’, the mid-tempo grease ‘n roll grooves of ‘Dangermind’ or the Ace-of-Spades licks sowing their wild oats at every fertile target, the Motorspirit is inescapable. Add the fact that Wildhearts mainman Ginger is incapable of penning a tune without a whale-sized hook and you KNOW these thick, superheavy punk ‘n roll anthems are gonna stick around like dried-in cornflakes on the Bowl of the Great Unwashed. Forget the sugar coating, though – these toons are caked with distortion for your over-amplified, under-produced listening satisfaction. 

First track, ‘Wire Out’, skips any idea of a warm-up – intros are for grandads, right? Feedback, drums, BANG, straight in. And once the half-baked harmonica rips out of nowhere to spar with some equally half-baked guitar, resistance is officially futile… ‘coz if that doesn’t flip the funtime switch, nothing will. It’s that kind of record. Live for the moment. 

“Maybe I’ll sleep tomorrow, maybe
A million miles an hour, baby!”

‘Fast One’ does exactly what it sounds like it should, screeching and screaming towards three false endings, while the next three tracks – ‘Dangermind’, ‘You Smell Canadian’ and ‘Star War Jr’ – groove by with low-slung swagger, copping a distant feel of the Wildhearts at their raw, ‘Earth vs…’ best. Then it’s back to booze-fuelled basics as the ‘Shit close their 18-minute set with a riotous, none-more-apt cover of ‘Crank It Up!’ by the Rods, an inspired end to an infectious gig. 

Short and sharp, fast and loud, rock and roll KICKS. Go get some on Route 666.