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Discover Avebury and Holland Date

May 8, 2002ce

Here are the details for Discover Avebury:- 

5th July (Doors at 6.00pm for 6.30pm start)
Tickets £10.00 (no concessions) – (please note that credit cards are not accepted)

Phone either 020 7323 8566 or 020 7323 8644 to reserve a ticket, and then send their cheque later or pay on the Door. Cheques can be sent to:
Discover Avebury tickets
British Museum Friends
British Museum
Great Russell Street

Applicants should enclose a stamped SAE and cheques must be made out to the ‘British Museum Friends’. 

David Dinnage from the British Museum is once again co-ordinating, so if you’re having problems, please email us and we will forward messages to David. 

You should probably know that priority for tickets is going to the British Museum Friends, so our advice is to act pretty quickly on this if you want to go. 

Julian is appearing at the New Forms Festival in Den Haag on June 7th. This will be a spoken word and acoustic performance. 

Julian’s researching schedule is extremely busy for the rest of the year so any further UK dates are unlikely. Thanks to everyone from Ireland who emailed after the shows last month. Julian had a wonderful time and intends to go back for yet more research in the autumn.