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More Merchandiser Info…

Jun 9, 2001ce

Please note that the first Brain Donor single – “She Saw Me Coming” – is now no longer available on CD through the Merchandiser (though you might still be able to get it in some shops). We still have picture disc vinyl available at £2.75 but they are going fast (and please note that if you are purchasing by credit/debit card, we are unable to accept orders for under £3.50 – our bank’s rule, not ours!). The second Brain Donor single is imminent…

We are now out of Universal Panzies Transcendental Floss CDs. Modern Antiquarian Windcheaters and Ambulence CDs are still available but supplies are limited – 1 per customer, please. 

Re. The Modern Antiquarian BBC2 programme: we had a small supply of PAL videos available on a loan basis. Unfortunately, not one of these was ever returned to us. So I’m afraid we are unable able to loan the video to our US/Canadian friends. The NTSC (UK) version is still available — send a self-addressed stamped Size 1 Jiffy Bag (66p) if you want to borrow one for up to two weeks.

We’re being asked if Brain Donor and/or LAMF will be doing any live shows. There is nothing confirmed yet, but watch this space…

Blessed be,
