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Apr 19, 2001ce

Here’s a quick update on various things:-

She Saw Me Coming
The release date for the Brain Donor single has been changed to 23 April, when it will be available in shops and the Merchandiser. It will also be available on Julian’s tour from this weekend. It sounds and looks brilliant (the 7″ picture disc is my particular favourite.)

Brain Donor Q&A
Unfortunately, we were unable to complete this before Julian had to leave to begin the tour. We hope to have it up on the Brain Donor site by the end of May. If you submitted a question that has been selected for the Q&A, you will have been notified by e‑mail.

L.A.M.F. – Ambient Metal
This was unavoidably delayed and will not be ready until the beginning of May. (But if you are going to Julian’s Newcastle gig tonight, L.A.M.F. will be performing.)

We should finally have the I, Thighpaulsandra album available from the Merchandiser by next week.

Earth First
If you are going to see any of Julian’s shows, look out for the Earth First people who will have a table at most of the gigs. 

Silbury Hill + Avebury
We’ve had lots of concerned messages about the current state of Silbury Hill. According to the local National Trust area representative, it is indeed very weak and a matter for serious concern. Well, what concerns me is that I pass it nearly every day and I’ve not seen anyone there doing anything about it. And the rain keeps coming and making it weaker. Just sort it out!
As for Avebury, after the confirmed case of Foot & Mouth in Beckhampton last month, all the other farms in the area have now thankfully been given the all clear. So it looks like visitors will once again have access to all the wonderful sites around here in the next couple of weeks. Except Silbury, of course.

And Finally…
I’d like to thank all of you who have sent such nice messages of congratulations on my pregnancy. As Julian said in his Address Drudion, I will still be around overseeing the website administration and the bulk of the e‑mails and other correspondence. Wendy has now taken over all orders and relating queries. My husband and I haven’t chosen a name yet, but we’ve received some pretty interesting suggestions from some of you folks! 

Have fun if you’re going to see Julian.

Blessed Be to all of You,
