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Cornucopea & New web-site

Feb 8, 2000ce

Hello! Julian’s pages have come before mine this month, as his news is what everyone wants to know about. I have had so many emails asking about Cornucopea, and I’ve tried to respond to as many as I have had time for. Of course, it would have been a lot simpler to get the news on the site! But things have been changing from day to day — and Julian has been working so hard to try to get everything right — that it has taken until now to confirm everything that you have read in Julian’s message. So, although we might have taken a while to get the news to you, I hope you will agree that the two nights of Cornucopea sound mighty exciting indeed! I gather that many folks from abroad are coming over for this event — good one!

Tickets are available through the South Bank Centre, 0171 960 4242.

A lot of folks are wondering where are new website is that we’ve been promising. Not far from ready, but still a way to go. But it will be SO worth it!!! Chris Webmaster has been nothing less than visionary, and he’s even managed to get Julian excited about it. Certain pages will be improved versions of what we’ve already done, like the Modern Antiquarian and Ur-Pagan pages. For these sections, there will be an opportunity for our visitors to contribute and I think that will really make things interesting. Judging from the emails we get, there are a lot of you out there with much to say about prehistoric sites and/or righteous issues. The One and Only Merrick has kindly agreed to manage the Ur-Pagan pages, which is a guarantee that they will be brilliant and important. Julian will be presiding over a new section called “Unsung”, which will be devoted to genius, gnostic musicians who are either obscure or not appreciated the way they should be! This too will have a forum for participation. We are also planning a monthly competition, and Julian will make sure that each prize is worth having! And brand new will be a radio station, which Chris and Julian have been working on together. And we will finally be able to offer a secure on-line ordering system. Lots of other exciting things are planned as well, which is why all of this has taken time!

One thing Julian failed to mention in his ‘Address Drudion’ is that every ticket holder will receive a free cd programme. Julian and Lisa have worked really hard to make this look great, and the CD is something like the Head Heritage sampler that we’ve long been promising. This CD will only be available at Cornucopea.

We hope you have had an easy passage into the new Millennium and that you are keeping well. Everyone at Head Heritage, including the Cope Family, has only recently got over an extremely bad case of the Millennium ‘Flu — so, apologies if you have sent an email that has not been answered. (But I bet a lot of you have noticed that I’m getting much better at responding than I used to be!!!).

So, once again, Blessed Be to you and yours, and I do hope that you will make it to Cornucopea.

JoAnne Wilder