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February Drudion 2003

February 2003


I was sitting writing this and listening to the beautifully off kilter and cosmically heathen stomp of the Terminal Wasteband when the news came on that the space shuttle had just crashed over Texas and that people should beware of falling debris! What a deeply dreadful tragedy. And how weird is it that this American tragedy should include the first Israeli into space?
As I tried not to picture the families of astronauts being ushered out of the reception area into their forthcoming blackholes, it occurred to me that this was almost a perfect metaphor for the current world situation. For this state in which the West and the Arab World currently finds itself is no simple racist situation. No, we are about to be launched into an old-fashioned Creedist war. The Christo-Judaic world wants to beat the shit out of Islam and my pagan ass is in danger of getting shafted by the flying shrapnel. I don’t believe in God, or Jehovah, or Allah, or any of those invisible sky high Gods for that matter. But lots do and their world-view is informed by it, motivated by it, run by it. Like it or not, Capitalism is where Christianity meets Judaism, and the US government who chose an Israeli to go up there in space knew it would be rubbing salt into the wounds of the Left-outs of the Middle East. They shall reap what they have sewn, but, like passive smokers trying not to make a big deal about it, our being refuseniks ain’t gonna save us this time.

Right, I’m gonna put some on DABBLING WITH GRAVITY & WHO YOU ARE by Vibracathedral Orchestra and help me haul my self-pitying butt out of the mire. This album is a truly transforming piece of work, a 21st century FAUST TAPES whose cut-and-paste on-the-wan jams first accommodate and blissfully unfold and finally ecstacize its listeners.

This month has been a right kick in the Balearics. Early January I flew out to do Mallorcan fieldwork, and stayed in the only open hotel on the whole of the north coast. They gave me and the three other guests our own keys and let us fend for ourselves. After three days, I was driven to nick toilet paper from the petrol station that sold me Red Bull. Then, late January saw me return to see the taulas on Menorca, where the situation was slightly less grim. Luckily, the bakers open around 7 a.m. so I was down at the monuments each day before dawn fuelled up on Red Bull-soaked bread crusts. Yummair! Anyone who sees the new book and claims Cope was swanning around Europe like some uptight jetsetter, please direct them to these Drudions where a clearer more day-to-day work-in-progress you couldn’t wish for. By the way, this first part of the work is now going under the title of THE MEGALITHIC EUROPEAN, and is turning into a full-scale super-detailed trawl. I won’t delude you that it’s gonna be as detailed as THE MODERN ANTIQUARIAN, but what-so-ever parts of Europe it deals with, believe me, it deals with their whole microcosm. 

Meanwhile, my daughter Albany got in some trouble while learning about stewardship in R.E. “What’s stewardship?” we all asked. Oh, it’s a new concept that Christians have come up with regarding their looking after the world, explained Albany doubtfully. Like after 2000 years of raping someone, that rapist decides he’s gonna marry his victim. Like it should be his decision – yeah right. Anyway, Albany’s R.E. teacher had then asked for them all to draw a potential logo for Christian Stewardship, so she drew a monkey crucified on a cross. Of course, the teacher was horrified – and so she should be, but not for her own reasons – and when Albany returned home I told her she couldn’t have delivered a finer metaphor. 10 out of 10, my belligerent babe.

Now, I’m sitting here listening to Liquorball’s nightmare ride LIQUORBALL FUCKS THE SKY and wondering: is the psychedelic music of the past ten years much better than the original 60s stuff? It certainly seems that way to me. And there’s just so much of genius around at the moment – Six Organs of Admittance, Temple of Bon Matin, Khanate and Sunn0))), the afore-mentioned Vibracathedral Orchestra. Oh, and somebody hassle Oneida to release their WFMU session – I do believe it’s even better than that wonderful double-CD of theirs. And before I sod off, I’d just like to make a comment about Holy McGrail’s impending album RAW POWER SUITE. Now that I’ve heard some of this strange Chrome-oid affair, I’ve gotta say I reckon I’m gonna be listening to it more than the original what spawned it! Brah-fucking-voh, M’Lud!

Okay, I’m off. Love to each one of you — be you polytheist, atheist, or agnostic… oh, go on then — even you monotheists can get some, you ruddy trouble-makers.

Love Motherfucking Peace,

JULIAN (M’Lud Yatesbury)